K-5th grades | Content & Facts

The Grammar Stage


Our students will become familiar with language, learning what words mean and how that meaning is conveyed. Here we instill wonder and an appreciation for that which is true, good and beautiful. The goal is to bring harmony to a thought.
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The idea behind the grammar stage is that students in this age range enjoy learning components of subjects. These components are sometimes referred to as “the grammar of the subject.” For example, the grammar of English is the alphabet, phonics, sight words, sentence structure, etc. The grammar of history is dates, people, timelines, countries, states, capitals, etc. The grammar of a subject is its basic components and facts. Young elementary students are sponges for this kind of information. They are happy to chant the state capitals, sing the ABCs, and learn many other “sets” of information without needing to know why they are learning them.

Children will learn through memorization of facts in all subjects through rhyme, story, chants and songs. Children are less encouraged to write and think creatively in this stage, but are encouraged instead to reproduce or imitate great works with good language. They read stories/poems (and lots of them) with beautiful language. Being exposed to good literature from an early age attunes their ears to understand and recognize beauty more readily in the later years. It also prepares them to create their own unique works as they grow in maturity.


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